Monday 5 March 2012

Valedictory letter and a promise to meet again in 2013!

Dear book worms and bibliophiles,

Hope this posts finds you snug with all the books you purchased at the World Book Fair that are now neatly stacked in your shelves or kept on your bed side tables.

The last 9 days you smelt the sweet fragrance of, caressed the spines of, and felt the warmth of books that transported you to other spaces and time at the fair. Besides browsing and purchasing books we had fun times together watching films; meeting authors, critics, filmmakers; attending workshops. The fair would have not been the success that it was without your love, assistance and co operation.

It is time to bid good bye now. However this goodbye comes with a promise to meet again. A promise that you will see bear fruition in 2013. 

Happy reading till then. May you have a year full of books.

With the love and embrace of books.

World Book Fair
New Delhi

1 comment:

  1. While the entire world and media and public went ga ga over the Theme Pavilion of the Book Fair, this blog had nothing to say about it! While the NBT officials said to media that they had been working on the Theme for a year, here is an Assistant Director (Exhibition) saying that the work on Theme started after the release of Calender in January 2012!! A hillarious blogsite indeed--scoring self-goals only!!! Grow up man!!!!
