Monday 5 March 2012

Behind the scenes with Farida M. Naik, Jt. Director (Admin & Finance) NBT

In a conversation with Farida M. Naik, Joint Director (Admin & Finance) NBT

Please give us a behind the scenes view of the fair.
Everyone's been on their toes for the last 2 months and the work was divided between many people. Everyone worked hard starting from the director who would be typing letters and personal invites to celebrities and ministers. We worked very closely as a team and that is what has made the difference.

What are the changes that you wanted to bring about that you regret not having been able to implement?
We wanted to give a professional look to the entire affair which we were able to achieve. One thing that we wanted was seating space for the visitor. In the end there was too much rush so we weren't able to achieve that. However, we were able to have a lot of walking space. Most of the things we had planned we were able to achieve.

What is your vision for the coming year?
We have made great progress but we aim to make it better. We'll put in more hard work and achieve all that we couldn't do this year.

How does it feel with the event coming to a close?
In the last two months we were deeply involved in arranging the fair. We do have many activities which we need to get on with but one will miss working on the book fair till it's time for the next one in 2013!

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