Friday 2 March 2012

Found in translation

This time at the book fair much stress has been laid on translations. At the inaugural ceremony several NBT officials and other guests illuminated on the importance of translations. When literature in languages unknown to one are made available in the language  one comprehends, it makes available to us a whole world of sensibilities and sensations we are unfamiliar with. It also helps spread share ideas between people who share the same ideology and/ or cause but may not share a language of expression. Professor Mridula Mukherjee illuminated the example of the freedom struggle and how works originally in Bengali were translated to Marathi to unite the country's diverse and dispersed fight for independence. 

At a function at the fair writer Manoj Das remarked that every World Book Fair sees an increase in the number of translated copies. “Translated copies introduce new thought and consciousness," he said. In a country where there are so many official languages translations play a great role in the sharing of ideas. Thus the efforts of NBT to release translated copies of more and more books each year are commendable. 

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