Monday 5 March 2012

Interview with Sumit Bhattacharjee, Asst. director NBT

As the fair draws to an end, we spoke to some of those who were are the pillars of the fair. We spoke to Sumit Bhattachajee, the Assistant director of National Book Trust about the travails and experience of putting up the gala event that the book fair is. 

What goes into the making of the World Book Fair?
Hardwork, planning and goodwill. If one of them is missing, nothing can be done.

What have you tried to do differently at this year's fair?
I've been associated with the book fair for several years now. This is probably my 14th time. This time we have a new team. We thus thought we should do something new this time that is better than what we've done before. I can't blow my own trumpet beyond this so I will leave it for the people who have visited the fair to comment.

How did you conceptualize the theme of the fair?
We wanted to do something combining literature and cinema because cinema is celebrating 100 years next year. We even released a calendar on the theme of Cinema and Literature. That was a big success. After that we began work on this theme.

What were the efforts that went into attracting young people to the fair?
The dates of the world book fair coincided with school exams this time so we targeted young adults. We had a massive advertising campaign through which we were able to get massive footfall at the fair.

Any closing comments to the audience on the social media networks?
Hope to see you again next year!

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