Sunday 26 February 2012

Interview with M.A. Sikander, Director-NBT

By Manjari Kaul

Excerpts of an interview with M.A. Sikander, director, National Book Trust:

M.A. Sikander
 Manjari Kaul: How do you feel about the Union HRD Minister declaring the World Book Fair to be an annual event?

MA Sikander: I am happy that the government has considered that the biennial event be made annual. However, an event of this magnitude requires a lot of organization, planning and depends heavily on funding. There is many a thing to be done between a decision and it's realization. Having said that, the fair  becoming an annual affair is a welcome decision. 

MK: What are the chief features of this year's book fair?

MAS: The theme this year is Literature & Cinema. Over 300 books in English, Hindi, Urdu and regional languages dealing with Indian cinema are exhibited. There is a special pavilion dedicated to cinema. Further, continuing the government's celebration of hundred years of Delhi will be a special focus on Delhi as well through a display of photographs and books describing the city. Through this we have made an effort so that the focus on books is not lost.

MK: Apart from books what else can a person visiting the fair expect to encounter/ enjoy?

MAS: We have organized several book releases, film screenings and cultural events. It is a challenge to keep an event alive for 9 days  but we hope that through these events and the love for books more and 
more people come in to visit the fair. 

MK: Are there any special attractions for children and the youth as this is really when most people pick up the reading habit?

MAS: Yes, childhood is really when one develops the reading habit. A lot of people say that they will read after retirement but that really never happens. This habit must be inculcated during childhood itself so that they enjoy the joys of reading throughout their lives. There is a special children's pavilion and special workshops are being held for children. We will hold one workshop on Mathematics skills for children.

MK: What is your message for those who have not visited the fair yet?  

MAS: My message is really for the parents. They should get their children to the fair and introduce their children to the habit of reading. Books are a tool of character building. Reading books can also be relaxing experience. Lastly, books are our best friends!


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